Promise Sunday

November 21, 2021

Promise Sunday has arrived! Sunday, November 21, is the day we bring our stewardship promises to church and offer them up to be blessed for 2022. I know it’s hard to think about 2022 after all the uncertainty of the past two years, but Trinity depends on all of us.
What wonderful Trinity stories we heard from Nancy Dorsey, Anneke Kierstead, Bruce Beattie, Louise Pfanstiehl and Sue Hinckley! Thank you for sharing. What is your Trinity story? How have Trinity, and all of us, supported you?
Senior Warden Margaret Thomas says, “I have my Trinity stories of all the wonderful people who supported Gil and me with prayers, respite care and food when we needed it. Think hard, dig deep, and bring in your promise to support Trinity in 2022.”
Thank you from your stewardship team: Cathi Beattie, Nancy Dorsey, Marcia Lima, Cynthia MacCausland, Margaret Thomas