
Trinity Church strives to meet the needs of our parishioners and of the community at large. One way we do this is through our various ministries. 

Because some ministries have been altered or curtailed due to the Covid-19 pandemic—while others have been added—the list below should not be viewed as fixed or final. Please call the church office if you wish more information.

Ministries relating to Sunday services: 

  • Acolytes carry crosses, light candles, hold the gospel book, and assist the priest.
  • Chalice bearers and Chalice readers serve at the altar, lead prayers, and assist the priest in serving communion.
  • Lectors read lessons and prayers.
  • Ushers and Greeters welcome people into the church, pass out bulletins, collect offerings, and more.
  • Altar Guild members set up the altar for services and care for the linens.
  • Choir members sing at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service. They are accompanied by our Organ Director either on a grand piano or on the pipe organ.
  • Coffee Hour, following both services, promotes socialization and community; hosts are always welcome.
  • Hands-on healing prayers are available for those who are sick, injured, or just in need of extra grace for the moment.

Ministries relating to Christian education:

  • Youth education—which frequently uses the Godly Play curriculum—takes place during the church service. Trinity’s director of youth education and staff are carefully screened and trained volunteers.
  • The 7-up Group for older children, grades seven and up, is led (and sometimes co-led) by a volunteer.
  • Adult education is interesting and varied. We have two longstanding groups: Monday evening Christian Mediation currently meets weekly via Zoom, and the Sunday Living Stones seminar meets monthly after the 10:00 a.m. service. At various times—usually Lent or Advent—parish-wide informational events have taken place. Trinity has also hosted two multi-day retreats. Multiple avenues to explore ministry are thus available.

Ministries relating to outreach:

  • The Social Outreach Committee’s mission is to support Trinity’s mission of outreach and service to all of God’s children by providing focus, structure, education and channels for all members of our parish to supply needed food, clothing and goods to people in our local community.
    • Trinity supports the housing- and food-insecure with monetary donations or non-perishables like peanut butter or tuna fish for the Edgewood-Pawtuxet Ecumenical Food Closet at Transfiguration Church and purchased grocery cards for those in need. In the past, Trinity has supported the House of Hope, McCauley House, the Mathewson Street Church homeless shelter and Friday dinner, the Touch of Heaven Thrift Shop, and local elementary schools.
  • The Tuesday morning Men’s Group collects items for and puts together gallon-size bags of non-perishable food and drink for parishioners to give to those in need. 
  • Communications—via our Facebook page, this website, and weekly e-newsletters—keep our community informed.
  • The volunteer Vestry members provide leadership to the parish and counsel to the priest-in-charge to keep our parish focused and healthy.
  • The Prayer Chain continues to maintain and support an active prayer list. 
  • Trinity Quilters engage individuals in constructing quilts for those in need. Quilt threads are tied as members of the congregation offer prayers of support. 
  • Fundraising events enable the church to meet its expenses and to continue social outreach.
  • Sunshine committee members send cards, bulletins, weekly readings, and newsletters to those who cannot be with us.
  • Stewardship (including Episcopal charities) encourages giving to the parish and to the entities supported by our diocese.

Additional ministries will likely be added as we adapt to a changing—and challenging— “new normal.”