Weekly events (see latest Newsletters for further details and contact info):
- Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary
- Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
- Sunday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
- also livestreams on Facebook
- Coffee hour follows each service
- Living Stones once monthly, after 10:00 a.m. service
- Monday contemplative prayer, 6:00 p.m. contact Bill Baddeley
Stations of the Cross
Walk the Way of the Cross during Lent, wherever you are.
Trinity is creating videos of virtual Stations Of the Cross during Lent. These videos will be available throughout Lent (and beyond) on our Facebook page.
The Diocese of Rhode Island has also compiled its own video, which includes contributions from Trinity at the first and eighth stations. The video is viewable at this link.
Trinity Tuesday Lenten Series
Our Tuesday evening Lenten Series has been a great success! Facilitated each week by Bruce Beattie, members of our Trinity community are sharing their experiences and observations as an offering to us all.
Please join us each Tuesday evening at 7pm for an interactive discussion of faith, using Facebook Live for viewing and feedback in real time. Or, catch up on a session you missed:
- Come and See: Answering the Call, with Nancy Dorsey (February 23)
- The Passion of the Call to Serve, with Jeanne DiPretoro (March 2)
- Ministry to Our Children, with Teacher Carl (March 9)
- The Call and Ordained Life, with Deacon Ed Dean (March 16)
- The Call & Leadership, with Sr. Warden Margaret Thomas (March 23)
Watch our Facebook page for announcements of future presenters and topics!
Trinity Community observes a holy Lent together, even when apart
Even though we can’t gather in our usual ways to observe Lent this year, Trinity is finding ways to keep us connected!
Fr. Mitch and Bruce Beattie stood out in the cold (and sometimes dark) on Ash Wednesday to help parishioners begin a holy Lent with curbside Ashes-To-Go in the morning and evening. See more photos on our Facebook post.
Please join us for our Lenten Series on Facebook Live at 7pm each Tuesday evening throughout Lent: February 23 and March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.
Trinity’s Cupid Spread the Love to Our Community on February 13!
The Trinity family came together on Saturday, February 13, to Share the Love!
Community members baked, ordered, packed, and delivered treats to help celebrate Valentine’s Day. Our own Cupid, Terri Giviens, made special deliveries to older and home-bound community members. Henry Brown, pictured below, certainly felt the love from his Trinity family!
More photos from this special day have been posted to Trinity’s Facebook page. Thank you to everyone who made the day such a success!
Meet Our New Vestry Members!
At the annual meeting on January 24th, we elected four new vestry members and one member assumed a new position.
Don Raleigh moved from the vestry to the junior warden position. He is a long-time parishioner whom most of you know. Don worked very closely with the junior warden last year and has always worked on building projects.
Cynthia MacCausland comes in as clerk. Last year, Cynthia worked on stewardship, and has been involved in other areas as well. Cynthia is an attorney. She is also known as Harry and Tess’s mom. Cynthia’s husband, Greg Spears finished his vestry term last year.
Barbara Chartier joins the vestry this year. She works with special needs children. Barbara has worked on Episcopal Charities and volunteers around the church frequently.
Maureen Mooney comes on the vestry this year. She has been at Trinity for several years, usually attending the 8:00 a.m. service (when we had it). She has served on the vestry of her previous parishes and has been very involved in church school. She is recently retired from the State of Rhode Island.
Nancy Plumb is coming on the vestry this year. Nancy is also a long-time parishioner having raised her family at Trinity. She was back last year running the annual turkey dinner and several fundraisers lined up for this year. She also served on the audit committee last year and will continue on it again. Nancy is a retired elementary school principal.