News Stories2023-04-22T14:17:20-04:00

Weekly events (see latest Newsletters for further details and contact info):

  • Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary
  • Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
  • Sunday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
  • Coffee hour follows each service
  • Living Stones once monthly, after 10:00 a.m. service
  • Monday contemplative prayer, 6:00 p.m. contact Bill Baddeley
Vestry Minutes

Appreciation for the “Let There Be Lit” Group!

Fr. Mitch’s message in the May 30 newsletter mentions that “we … had a lively and productive discussion after church two weeks ago about the book, Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You, by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi.”

He included the following account from Vickie Ancona, “Let there be Lit” member:

…The consensus is that we would like to continue the discussion at a time in the future. (So, if you were not able to come to the meeting or if you haven’t read the book and would like to, we will be meeting again).

A few items from the discussion:

I mentioned that a woman I met in another discussion group leads a book group discussing books with topics similar to this one. I have her email if you are interested in joining the group. Here are the books they have read so far:

  • Homegoing (I loved this book!)
  • Hood Feminism
  • How to Make a Slave

Nancy D. mentioned a presentation on the history of slavery in Rhode Island at the Newport Art Museum by Keith Stokes. She is working on getting a link to the full presentation, but here is a TED talk on the subject.

Thank you, especially to those who came to the discussion. It was GREAT!!

Fr. Mitch extends his thanks to Vickie as our study convener, and to all the participants from both the Lit group and the “anti Racism group” at Trinity. Both groups plan to meet throughout the summer months as people are able.

Stay tuned for more opportunities to get involved with antiracist education and action at Trinity!

May 28th, 2021|News|

Grocery Cards for sale

There are many ways for all of us to support the ministries of Trinity Church. One of the easiest and most convenient is to buy grocery cards for your favorite supermarket. Every time you buy a grocery card, Trinity earns 5% of the face value of the card. Cards are available every Sunday after the service and in the office during the week. Please call the office if you’re planning to come over during the week to ensure someone is there to help you.

If you have more questions about grocery cards, please see Don Raleigh and Ginny Leahy.

Thank you for supporting Trinity in all the ways you do!

Grocery Cards Q&A.

Q. Why should I buy grocery cards?
A. 5% of every purchase you make goes to Trinity Church. If you buy $50
worth of grocery cards every week Trinity receives $130 for the year.

Q. What stores are included?
A. Cards are available for Dave’s Market ($25, $50, $100), Shaw’s Market ($25, $50), and Stop & Shop ($25, $50, $100).

Q. What if I spend less than $25?
A. If you use a $25 card and buy $10 worth of groceries, the card retains $15 in
value for your next shopping trip.

Q. If I buy a grocery card, how much goes to my church?
A. 5% of all grocery card sales go to Trinity:

  • $25 card: $1.25
  • $50 card: $2.50
  • $100 card: $5.00

Q. How do I use the card at the store?
A. Typically, you swipe the card at the register.

Q. If I bought a $50 grocery card every week for a year, how would Trinity benefit?
A. Buying 52 grocery cards at $50 each ($2600 worth of groceries) gives Trinity

May 16th, 2021|News|

Stewardship Opportunity: Free Webinar

On Thursday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m., The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), in collaboration with the Diocese of Rhode Island, is offering a free webinar to all congregations.

This is a perfect opportunity for those of us at Trinity looking for inspiration to create new ways of approaching stewardship, pledge campaigns and other ministry funding streams. The webinar seeks to provide tools to deepen generosity and the theology of abundance in our congregation. It will also provide us with insight into stewardship best practices.

Several vestry members and others in the congregation are planning to attend the webinar. Please join us by registering today [clicking the link will take you to the eventbrite page]. We hope it will provide a platform to jump start some good conversations around stewardship. It’s free; costing only your time and thoughts.

April 23rd, 2021|News|

Lights! Camera! Action! Help Needed!!

Do you like to shoot videos? Are you posting on Instagram or TikTok? Then we need you! Since COVID began, either Cathi Beattie or Margaret Thomas have been behind the camera to bring the service into the homes of parishioners who can’t be with us in person just yet. Even when folks begin to come back to church in greater numbers, we will still broadcast on Facebook live, as that has become a lifeline to Trinity for many members.

We are recruiting another camera person. No special skills necessary, just a willingness to learn, and to run the camera at least once a month. We will train you. You should possess good balance, as you will find yourself climbing stairs with the tripod and walking backwards!

Let Cathi Beattie or Margaret Thomas know if you are interested.

April 9th, 2021|News|

Children’s Easter Vigil

We enjoyed a beautiful, sunny afternoon for the Children’s Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 3.

Cathi Beattie captured several moments on camera.

Please see our post on Facebook for the full set!



April 4th, 2021|News|

Life Events In Our Community

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