Weekly events (see latest Newsletters for further details and contact info):
- Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary
- Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
- Sunday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
- also livestreams on Facebook
- Coffee hour follows each service
- Living Stones once monthly, after 10:00 a.m. service
- Monday contemplative prayer, 6:00 p.m. contact Bill Baddeley
Marsue Harris Memorial POSTPONED
Due to increasing COVID restrictions, we have had to postpone this memorial service until fall.
We are looking at October 2 as a possible date, and will confirm when the outlook is clearer.
The Trinity community will be gathering in memory of Marsue Harris on Saturday, August 14 at 11 am with Collation to follow. Anyone wishing to share anecdotes, memories, tributes of Marsue will be welcomed to express them during the collation.
We are seeking potluck donations!- Green salads, fruit salad, potato salad. There will be sandwiches. We will have a cake made. Beverages will be supplied by Trinity. Please contact Jeanne DiPretoro (info in the July 25 newsletter); if you reach voice mail, please leave a message with your name and phone number).
Thank you.
Playground Upgrades
Thanks to the support of the Vestry and Fr. Mitch, Trinity’s playground has been spiffed up and safely upgraded. It was truly a team effort from Rob Duncanson power washing the equipment to Nancy Plumb and Jeff Weaver taking the lead by inspecting everything and making recommendations.
Playground mulch has been put down to increase safety, as well as playground rules signs.
Please bring your kids and grandkids over to play. As Harry Spears says, “My church playground!”
Episcopal Charities Update
Like everything else this year, the Episcopal Charities Fund is being handled differently. Many of you have probably already received your letter and pledge card from the Bishop. Due to COVID-19, they are not sending anyone out to speak in the churches about the services they provide to numerous nonprofit organizations.
Please consider donating. Any amount is appreciated to help the Episcopal Charities Fund to continue their support to those in need. If you have questions about Charities, please seek out Trinity’s Charities coordinator, Barbara Chartier. Thank you.
Gaspee Days Breakfast a Great Success!
Gaspee Parade Day morning, June 12, had Trinity humming with breakfasts to go in the parish hall and the ecumenical service in the church! Kudos and many thanks to Nancy Plumb, Nancy Dorsey, and all the volunteers for making and serving hot and cold breakfast boxes, and to organist Dr. David Kennedy and soloist Tony DeMarinis for beautiful music during the service. It was great to be back!
Many more photos in our recent Facebook post!
A Beautiful Day to Celebrate the Christian Formation Group!
The Trinity community gathered following the 10:00 service on Sunday, June 6, to celebrate everyone who kept the Godly Play and Christian Formation classes going over this challenging past year.
A huge thanks to Mr. Carl, Katie Duncanson, and, especially, all the parents and grandparents who faithfully enabled the kids to connect via Zoom during this pandemic year. Remember: Good morning, God!
Special thanks also to Mr. Carl’s mom and Angela Butler, who helped provide yummy eats.
Many more photos in our recent Facebook post!