Weekly events (see latest Newsletters for further details and contact info):
- Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary
- 3rd Sunday of the month 9:05 a.m. Living Stones Adult Christian Formation
- Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
- Sunday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
- also livestreams on Facebook
- Childcare available
- Coffee hour follows each service
- Monday contemplative prayer, 6:00 p.m. contact Bill Baddeley
Pennies for… Paw-ple!
Sunday School and 7-UP students took Trinity’s Pennies for People 2020 collections to the Grieco Community Cat Center in Johnston, a PawsWatch facility. We presented a check for $54.19. Every year they care for nearly 2000 cats and kittens and are able to place about 1800 of them in homes or in their barn cat program. The kids got a great tour from the Diane Therrien, director. Word on the street is that Reese is lobbying hard for a kitty.
Keeping the Chill Out
We’ve been hearing about the rising cost of heating this winter, so here are some resources to keep out the cold.
If you or a family member, friend or neighbor who needs heating assistance this winter, please keep this list handy.
- The United Way of Rhode Island runs the Good Neighbor Energy Fund at unitedwayri.org/gnef
- The Catholic Diocese of Providence funds a Keep the Heat On program at heatri.com
- Trinity Church, through the Rector’s Discretionary Fund, may be able to help. Contact Fr. Mitch directly.
- Also, check with your local Community Action Program (CCAP) for more information.
November 21 is Promise Sunday
Promise Sunday
November 21, 2021
Trinity Supports Our Community!
Our Social Outreach Coordinator, Sue Hinckley, offered these words in a recent newsletter:
Together we support our community
Miracles happen every time we do God’s work. I truly believe this and have watched it happen over and over. Just this morning, my wife, Linda, took nine cases–more than 100 quarts!–of apple and cranberry juice she had received from a food pantry and delivered them to the McAuley House. This is the first time she had been given so much juice. Don’t you know that Larry, the kitchen manager, told her that his juice supplier had canceled and he thought there would be none for the 300 meals served that day.
Likewise, the folks at the Edgewood-Pawtuxet Ecumenical Food Closet at the Church of the Transfiguration are always so appreciative of the weekly food donations we bring from the collection basket in Trinity’s hall. So many times I hear “This is just what we need” or “We just ran out of these.” I wish I could somehow bring back their gratitude so you would all know how much your efforts are appreciated.
Our Trinity family has always stepped up to the plate whenever there is a request for donations: food, clothing, school supplies, socks, underwear, hats, gloves, coats or whatever else is requested by groups in the community. I am continually amazed at the generosity our parish shows for local families in need.
And here we are again gathering food and donations for Thanksgiving. I put out a goal of thirty meals knowing full well that you will exceed my expectations. I know this because I have faith that once again, by working together, we will multiply our love and support in our community. Every gift a blessing.
Pray for Haiti, Pray for Afghanistan
From Episcopal Relief and Development
Please pray for our siblings in Haiti and all those affected by this earthquake. Donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Haiti Fund will support the organization’s continued emergency response efforts in Haiti.