Weekly events (see latest Newsletters for further details and contact info):
- Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Sanctuary
- 3rd Sunday of the month 9:05 a.m. Living Stones Adult Christian Formation
- Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
- Sunday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
- also livestreams on Facebook
- Childcare available
- Coffee hour follows each service
- Monday contemplative prayer, 6:00 p.m. contact Bill Baddeley
Thank you to Dr. David Kennedy, Music Director Emeritus!
Thank you to everyone who joined in Trinity’s retirement reception for our music director on Sunday, March 5, making it the best party ever! David and Cathy were overwhelmed with the gifts, the food and the turnout. Barbara Chartier and Maureen Mooney, our main organizers did a wonderful job. Angela Butler was also a main player. The flowers were lovely, so thank you to those who brought them. The food, (shout out to the scallop crepes) was awesome.
David and Cathy will certainly enjoy their trip to the Wentworth Inn in Jackson, NH and several evenings out at Spain restaurant, thanks to all of us.
Enjoy the pics, courtesy of Cathi Beattie and Margaret Thomas.
Thank You to Dr. David Kennedy! Join us March 5!
Plain-text version:
Join us as we celebrate our Retiring Music Director
Dr. David Kennedy
Sharing our love and gratitude
for his many years of faithful service
In the Parish Hall
following our 10:00 Service
Sunday, March 5th
Food and fellowship
Trinity Church
139 Ocean Ave.
Cranston, RI
Lenten Services and Programs
Trinity’s Observance of Lent Begins Ash Wednesday, February 22
Services will be held in our Sanctuary at 12:00 and 7:00 p.m.
Lenten activities and services continue through the season, including Stations of the Cross each Friday at 6:00 p.m. and Adult Faith Formation programs.
Read through the following e-flier for details of all of Trinity’s offerings:
Trinity Church Tree of Hope
Thank you once again for your generous support in the collection of adult’s hats and mittens for the House of Hope. The donations were delivered and are very much appreciated and needed.
As we continue to respond to the high need that exists in our community, the Social Outreach Committee is asking for donations of socks for both adults and children.
We would like to deliver these items beginning the week of February 21st.
We will continue to hang the items on our Tree of Hope in the back of the church.
“In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
The House of Hope (Community Development Corporation) mission
is to prevent and end homelessness in Rhode Island.
Pennies for… Paw-ple!
Sunday School and 7-UP students took Trinity’s Pennies for People 2020 collections to the Grieco Community Cat Center in Johnston, a PawsWatch facility. We presented a check for $54.19. Every year they care for nearly 2000 cats and kittens and are able to place about 1800 of them in homes or in their barn cat program. The kids got a great tour from the Diane Therrien, director. Word on the street is that Reese is lobbying hard for a kitty.